Thursday 21 May 2020

Dutch Rose Block Pattern

I recently put together a bundle of fabrics which I thought would look lovely as a quilt or just to make a block! I'm not a quilter by any means, I have made a few quilts over the years and given them to family and friends, but as I have been going through all my photos I haven't really documented them very well!
In 2013 I left my job and went travelling for 3 months. Of course wherever I went I had to find fabric shops! Whilst in Australia I picked up a quilt pattern from a quilt shop which I made up for my Mum when I got home. Unfortunately the photo's aren't brilliant and I'm sure I still have the pattern somewhere, but at this moment it's in hiding! 😊 This pattern really appealed to me as there is hand stitching involved too, I must try and locate it so I can make it again!

At the time I wanted to sew items to sell at craft fairs and decided to use two of my nieces middle names, Indigo and Belle for the name. I hadn't realised that my sister-in-law had also been using this name so I changed it to Indigograce Designs when I opened my Etsy shop. So I think my Mum's quilt is the only one with this one on the label!

So to present day. As my business is relatively new and building I still have some time to be creative. Patchwork and quilting has always inspired me so having a variety of fabrics in my shop has led me to putting a bundle of half metre cuts together which would be great made into a quilt. I found a block for the Dutch Rose on the Quilting Daily website and made it up, which I am just going to bind to make as a mini wall hanging.

And here is the block!

 Happy sewing!


1 comment:

  1. Dan still treasures his Mario quilt that you made for him! If you need a photo I can ask him to pose with it for you 😊.
